Last updated: a MARFLEET Family History web-page

Registration District  
1917    Marriage solemnized at The Parish Church in the Parish of Church Plymouth in the County of Plymouth
No. When Married. Name and Surname. Age. Condition. Rank or Profession.
42 March 7th 1917 Frank Herbert Marfleet 22 Bachelor Cook's Mate R.N.
Louisa Lavinia Symons 27 Spinster -
Residence at the time of Marriage. Father's Name and Surname. Rank or Profession of Father.
12 Camden Street Allen Marfleet Carpenter
12 Camden Street William Symons Butcher
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Established Church, by Licence or after       by me,J Percy Bukins
This Marriage was solemnized between us,Frank Herbert Marfleetin the Presence of us,William Symons
Louisa Lavinia SymonsThomas Symons

Contents Certificates Marriage 5b 415